The Livingstones I Presume (Waverley SZLP 2113, 1969)
The second of their two albums, The Livingstones I Presume was released in 1968. By then, Frank McKay had left, and the group was a trio: David McCabe, John Dempsey and Ken McKay. There is a certain maturity about their arrangements and harmonies on this record, compared to their first; listen to the first few seconds of the opening track, Leonard Cohen's Suzanne. Another difference is that the songs of John Dempsey are given prominence, five out of twelve songs are his.
01 Suzanne (Cohen)
02 Johnny Cope (trad)
03 Far Too Far (John Dempsey)
04 Rough Justice (John Dempsey)
05 Travelling Through the Rain (John Dempsey)
06 Westering Home (H Roberton)
07 Admiral Benbow (trad)
08 Time I Was On My Way (John Dempsey)
09 Bonnie George Campbell (trad)
10 The Jolly Roger (John Dempsey)
11 Flo'ers o' the Forest (trad)
12 The Man from Cyandra (trad)
Other albums featuring The Livingstones:
I fond of scottish and irish folk music. Really appreciate you for letting listening this music. Sadly there is no place were i can find lyrics of John Dempsey's songs.