Various Artists: I Was Born In Glasgow (Gallus Records GAL 102, 1991)
This was a one-off album put together by Ewan McVicar using the money he won in a song competition. It features a handful of singers from Glasgow including:
Iain Mackintosh, banjo player, concertina player and singer. He originally played in groups such as The Islanders and The Skerries, but is better known for his subsequent solo career.
Ian Davison was one of the young people who attended Norman Buchan's Ballads Club in Rutherglen Academy (other members included Gordeanna MacCulloch, Ann Neilson and Adam McNaughtan), and later formed a group, The Ian Davison Folk Four.
Hamish Imlach, a giant figure in Scottish folk singing.
Alan Tall, an actor and musician who provided vocals, saxophone, keyboards and percussion.
This album has not, to my knowledge, been re-released, but it is hoped that Ewan will consider it one day.
01 Iain Mackintosh: I Wish I Was In Glasgow (Billy Connolly)
02 Ewan McVicar & Alan Tall: Tam the Bam (Ewan McVicar)
03 Iain Mackintosh & Ewan McVicar: The Glasgow I Used to Know (Adam McNaughtan)
04 Ewan McVicar: Caves In the Canyons (Ian Davison)
05 Iain Mackintosh: Farewell to Glasgow (Jim McLean)
06 Ewan McVicar: Nancy Whisky (Ewan McVicar)
07 Ewan McVicar: I Belong to Glasgow (Will Fyffe)
08 Ewan McVicar & Alan Tall: Bus 33-Glasgow Rain (Ewan McVicar)
09 Hamish Imlach: Cod Liver Oil and the Orange Juice (Carl MacDougall)
10 Ian Davison: Doon In the Wee Room (McLughlin)
11 Ewan McVicar & Alan Tall: Dannie Lannie & his Heavy China (Ewan McVicar)
12 Hamish Imlach: Twelve and a Tanner (McKenzie/Fyffe)
13 Ewan McVicar: Barroom Mountaineers (trad)
14 Ian Davison: Going Home to Glasgow (Ian Davison)
Other albums featuring Iain Mackintosh:
The Islanders: Keep Left (1965)
A Better Class of Folk (1975)